Prices of services.

Mother & Daughter Hair Care Package: £50
Weave half head: £50
Fullhead: £120
Micro bead extensions half head: £170
Full head: £220
Wig base: £25
Wig application & style: £50-70
Tape extensions half head :£130
Full head: £200
Colour Full head: £50
2 colours: £70
Half head colour: £30
Half head foils: £60
Full head foils: £75
Roots: £30
Restyle colour: POA
Colour correction: POA
Wash & blow dry: £25
Wash cut & blow dry: £35 (short) £45 (long)
Restyle cut: £40
Trim: £15
Wash & straighten: £15
Curled (short): £20
Curled (long): £30
Perm (short): £45 (long): £60-70
Relaxer (short): £45 (long): £55-70
Relaxer roots: £30
Hair up (short): £30
Hair up (long): £50-60
Cainrow half head: £20
Full head: £40-50
Pattern: £45-50
Singles: £120
Hair treatment: £10
Balayage: £45
Balayage with tint £60 Bleach roots: £30
Tsection: £40
Wedding hair: £40-50
Location wedding hair: POA